7th Annual Celebrate A Life 5K Walk
Sponsorship Opportunities
Premier Sponsor - $1,500
Includes: 12 Complimentary registrations, company logo on all walk communications and marketing materials, company logo on KarenAnnQuinlanHospice.org/Walk, recognition in social media, Online representation of your business - including space in the online store, company logo on event banner, verbal recognition during closing ceremony, recognition sign on course.
Community Sponsor - $1,000
Includes: 10 Complimentary registrations, company logo on all walk communications and marketing materials, company logo on KarenAnnQuinlanHospice.org/Walk, recognition in social media, Online representation of your business - including space in the online store, verbal recognition during closing ceremony, recognition sign on course.
Friend Sponsor - $500
Includes: 8 Complimentary registrations, Online representation of your business - including space in the online store, company logo on event banner, recognition sign on course.
Vendor Appearance - $25 Includes: Online representation of your business - including space in the online and physical store. Appearance notification on social media promotion.
Edit this message to tell users that can't take action (because of their location) how to contribute. For example, consider adding a link to a petition or donation page that you have created, or add social sharing options so that these supporters can help get the word out on social media.
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